The best and worst time to snack
Snacking is a bad habit, true or false?
Of course it's not true! Contrary to popular belief, you are encouraged to snack as part of your healthy diet as it helps to curb cravings and manage hunger. But you need to be mindful about when and what you eat because a huge bag of chips at midnight is definitely not a good idea.
Best time to snack...
1. In the morning
Photo credit: www.foodnetwork.com
According to the scientists, skipping breakfast may make you hungrier and more likely to eat larger meals, which leads to a surge in blood sugar. Furthermore, the earlier we eat, the more time we have to burn those energy! These hassle-free and low-calorie snacks are great for a busy workday.
2. Every 4 hours
Photo credit: www.mvmtwatches.com
Did you know? You should enjoy a small meal every four hours. If our stomach goes without food for more than four hours, our metabolism and blood sugar drops! Not to forget that if one waits too long before eating, he/she will be so hungry and is at high risk of overeating! Hence, it is actually good practice to make sure you always have some healthy snacks on hand.
3. After an intense workout

Photo credit: cloudpix.co
It’s important to replenish your body with carbohydrates and protein after a long and intense workout.
4. During work
Photo credit: https://edubirdie.com/blog/boost-your-productivity-with-pomodoro
The next time you are feeling sluggish at work, try munching on some healthy snacks to curb your distracting hunger or for a mental pick-me-up. They can help enhance concentration, memory and focus! Here are some useful tips on how you can snack smartly at work so that you won't have to worry about your waistline.
5. Before going out to eat (if you're starving)
Eating outside can limit your healthy food choices and make it harder for you to resist yummy food temptations. That's why we encourage people to snack a little before heading out for a hearty meal!
*Remember: when you're hungry, you make bad food choices. Take some handy-dandy small packs of healthy snacks out with you the next time. Try not to be starving when you are about to have dinner as you are likely eat more.
Worst time to snack...
1. Mid morning
Photo credit: soikkoratamo.tumblr.com
A recent study from The Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that people who snack between breakfast and lunch also tend to snack later in the day, which means more calories added to their total intake. Morning snackers lost 4% less weight in a year than those who skipped the mid-morning snack. So it's definitely advised to refrain from eating anything within four hours after you had your breakfast!
2. Before going to bed
Well... your food does not immediately "turn into fats" when you sleep, in fact, having a small snack like strawberries before bed is completely fine. But if you have a bad late night snacking habit, that's a big no-no! Studies have shown that people tend to be less mindful about what they choose to eat late at night and tend to binge on unhealthy food.
As the saying goes... "a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips". Be mindful of what you eat! Munch on some healthy snacks instead :)